Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Interactivity # 1

It’s important to know about Olivia’s relationship to technology because students frequently use it in non-academic ways.   Asking them to use that same technology to complete a project or present ideas in class is a great idea.  It’s a way of connecting with them in a language that they already understand.   Peaking their interest is always a good idea and is beneficial in keeping them engaged in class.  It is also helpful to ascertain the type of access students have to certain types of technology.  Assigning a student work that they cannot complete because of lack of resources and access does not make sense.
One of the three most influential communication technologies in my life is my laptop.  Like some of the students in the second video, I also feel that my laptop is a necessity in all aspects of my life. In my school life it saves me a lot of time and energy. Not only is it used to complete all of my schoolwork but also how I gain access to any and all additional information relevant to school.  Some examples would be Blackboard, registration on WESS and gaining access to the library databases.   I’m a better student because I can gain access to much more information in a shorter period of time.
            My laptop has affected my personal life in positive ways as well. I have family members and friends in other states and countries and it has changed my mode of communication.  No longer do I have to pick up the phone; I can use Face Time or Skype.  A lot of my favorite shows can be watched online and
My art portfolio is housed on my computer.  I am also a huge YouTube fan.  The things I have learned by watching others are too much to enumerate.  They range from learning how to use Photoshop features, how to perfect metal working techniques, and to what products to use in my natural hair.  This is a great communication tool for someone like me who is visually inclined.
Like Olivia, music is very important to me.  I spend my entire 8-hour workday staring at my PC.  Listening to talk radio and music helps to make the day a little more bearable.  It’s like listening to the soundtrack of your life.  I really enjoy working out.  However, if I forget to bring my music to the gym I will literally go all the way back home before I work out without my music. It’s the motivational force that pushes me forward and pumps me up even when I want to quit. 
My last influential technology is my cell phone.  Of course, like most people I use it for communicating through voice, text and email.  However, I also use to play games like Words With Friends, and Bubbles.  Taking pictures and instant access to the Internet are additional uses.
I listed some similar ways in which the students and I use technology.  A major difference in the way we use technology is that I do not use social networking sites.  I don’t have Myspace, Twitter, or a Facebook.  I don’t have a particular reason for this, but if pushed I would probably say that the permanence of information that you put on the Internet scares me.  I have always been a very private person and I would just rather relay any messages that I have by word of mouth.  Another difference I noticed is the technological savvy of a lot of the students.  Even the youngest student on the list was building websites.
Although negatives always comes with a positive I believe that technology has had an overall positive effect on my life.   Choosing how you use it is an important aspect that we have to keep in mind as well as educate our students about.  We must always be responsible in the ways in which we choose you use it.

1 comment:

  1. Mackisha, I feel like I have learned a lot about you as a person just through this simple blogpost. That tells me that you included essential and thought-provoking details about how/why you use these particular technologies. I'm not sure I know which 3 you chose, however, as you list quite a few. I do appreciate your cautious optimism in your contrast/comparison of your own uses with the uses of technology across the children from the videos. The only suggestion I have for this post (in addition to clarifying which 3 technologies are the "most influential" in your life) is to make more explicit the negative aspects of each of the 3 technologies. You allude/mention them throughout, but there is a lack of explicit acknowledgment that there are trade-offs despite the huge benefits these technologies bring to your life. I hope this feedback is helpful to you in moving forward with Interactivity #2.
